This post will educate you on the building plan approval process in Nigeria.

There are two ways this is done. You, as the client can go ahead and follow the approval process by yourself or appoint anyone or your Architect to do it for you. Note, that this is a paid service.

In my last post, I told you about my relative who started construction on his plot using white sand to mark out a layout on the earth’s surface for the foundation here. Now that he is going back to do the things he should have done, he will have to get someone to measure the floor plan he already has, develop the complete drawings, submit them for approval, and pay all penalty charges.

To get planning approval, you should have the following set of drawings, usually in four or five copies, depending on your local planning authority.

  • The Architectural drawings.
  • The Structural drawings (applicable to buildings beyond the ground floor or site with unstable soil. Read reasons why you should conduct a soil test before laying your foundation).
  • The Electrical drawings.
  • The Mechanical drawings.

All drawings above should be duly signed and stamped by the professionals who produced the drawings.

Building Plan Approval Process 2
Image by Freepik


You will also need to provide copies of;

Your Survey Plan; shows the land boundaries with beacon numbers, the area of the plot, and the dimensions of all sides.

Deed of Assignment; document showing transfer of ownership from the seller to you.

Purchase Receipt; this shows the proof of payment.

Certificate of Occupancy; this document certifies your legal right to occupy the land.

Power of Attorney; this document authorizes another person to act on your behalf in matters relating to the land.

Photocopies of these documents are what you are to make available to the person who will perform this service to you.


Next, head over to your local planning authority where your property is registered.

Building Plan Approval Process 1
Image by Freepik


At the planning office, you will submit all required documents, fill a form, and pay all statutory dues.

Your planning officer will visit your site (🤦‍♀️you will have to take them there), they are there for the following reasons:

  • To ensure construction has not started before approval was issued.
  • To ensure the beacon numbers on your site matches what is on the drawing.
  • To ensure that the building size you stated will actually fit the size of land they are looking at.
  • To ensure your building is to be located in the zone allowed for it.

After doing these, and you meet up with all the requirements, they will head back to the office, to start processing your documentation.

This usually takes about 1-2 months depending on all they have to check. You will need to constantly follow up on this.

At the completion of the process, all four sets of drawings will be duly stamped. Two copies of the drawing will be withheld. One for the local planning where you did the registration and one for the state Planning Authority.

The remaining two copies is for you and your contractor (which will be kept on the construction site). It is better to keep a photocopy there to avoid stories.

Don’t want the stress of handling your approval, get in touch with us.

Now, let’s head over to the building construction process.