I recently made significant changes to this blog and announced it on some social media pages. I quickly realized that the private responses I was getting stemmed from not knowing who my blog was addressing. So I decided to write this post, explaining our client persona and what is expected.

If you read this post and notice that we are not a right fit, no problem. You can still help us share, as your friend or neighbour could be the one for us.

First of all, this is a design blog with a focus on Architecture, Interiors, Sustainable, Restorative designs, and Real-estate Investments/Insurance.

Our blog posts are targeted at prospective Clients (whom I will explain further below) and not at Architects in the building industry.

Does that mean fellow Architects are not expected to read or comment? NO. They are welcome to, but they are not within our catchment area.

Also Read: Architecture Design Fees: How It’s Calculated.

Who then is our prospective Client? What’s our client persona like? Who is our audience?

  • They consist of but are not limited to individuals, young families, government bodies, groups, and real-estate developers.
  • They are adult male and female, between the ages of 27 – 65.
  • They are single or married with children.
  • They are people looking for design ideas and solutions.
  • They are people who want to improve their home look.
  • They are people interested in Real-estate Investments and development.
  • They are persons who are eager and ready to develop their land properties, which means that they are ready to build. Their readiness is both in paying for Architectural building design services and Construction.
  • They are interested in Residential or Commercial design services.
  • They are persons with an interest in exploring building designs made of local building materials.
  • They are open to using our local materials (such as clay, laterite, and bamboo) in their buildings.
  • They are persons with an average of N10,000,000 – N20,000,000 to develop their properties.
  • Their minimum educational level is a bachelor’s degree, an OND, or at the very least have the barest exposure and interest in Real-estate development.
  • They are persons who understand that a building design should be done by an Architect.
  • They are persons who understand the Architect’s value in the building industry.
  • They are based and from but not limited to Nigeria.

Read also Understanding the Gravity of design thinking and design process.

Here is our Typical Client Persona:

FAMILY:Married, with teenage children.
INCOME:N30,000,000 per year.
HOBBIES/INTERESTS:Design, Arts and Crafts, Dining out, Society clubs, Investments.
READS:Magazines (Investment, Interior designs, Real-estate), + Blogs.
TECHNOLOGY:An average user of technology. Prefers corporate communication via emails.
SPHERE OF INFLUENCE:Influenced by her social network exposure.  Often works with recommendations from them.
BRAND RELATIONSHIPS:Loyal, once she trusts a brand.
PURCHASE HABITS:Conducts due diligence before buying.
GOALS:Financial freedom, passive income. Looking to live a healthier and happier life in a well-designed environment.
CHALLENGES:Finding the right designer for her ever-changing design needs. She is a traveler and her design choices are constantly influenced with every visit. She wants to incorporate every contemporary style or art she has seen.
DETERRENTS:Very busy, and would likely abandon a project if the scope and specifics, along with clearly defined time frames are not met. She does not like too many options to choose from and prefers a defined solution to meet her needs without any ambiguities. Prefers clear fee requirements with no hidden charges.


You might not check all the boxes at a 100% rate for our client persona, but once you are above 55%, we can work with you.

Our goal is to provide design solutions that will give our Clients healthier and happier lives.

Read also Building Construction Cost Influencers You should keep in mind.

Note that, your feedback is welcome and we will be updating this list as we expand our services. Glad to have you here. Thank you.